Wednesday, March 18

Hello Kitty MAC

This is a very late post, but I really have to whine about this. Saw this humongous road show for Hello Kitty MAC at VivoCity the weekend I went for Rasa Sentosa.

For a moment I was ecstatic that it was here! Until I realised most of the items were already sold out. *sigh I shd have listened to Runying and did the pre-order. Not that I wanted to buy many of the items. I only wanted.....

** This brush set...All I want is this....
Sad =(

Picture taken from


Anonymous said...

it was really weird when i saw a male Mac staff arranging the kitty display at tangs... oh well..i believe they will restock their stuffs ;)

mien said...

Hah oh yes! The male MAC makeup artist also wore pink accessories. Looked weird... hee i already try to stay away from the counter... scared i chong1 dong4 juz buy something I dun need...