Saturday, September 29

About cancers and conditions

About the cancers and conditions tested Find out more about the screening activities at the My Happy Healthy Family campaign. -->
Fri, Sep 28, 2007AsiaOne

Colorectal cancer

The colon-rectum is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract. Colorectal cancer is formed from the cells lining thistract. Signs and symptoms appear only when the cancer is in its advanced stage. Screening is with the faecal occult blood test.

Signs and symptoms: Change of bowel habitsRectal bleeding, especially dark-coloured blood mixed with stoolsAbdominal distension and discomfort, abdominal lumpsPainful defecationAnemia and weight loss

Breast cancer

This is the most common cancer in Singaporean women, with 200 - 300 women dying from the disease each year. Screening is with mammography.

Signs and symptoms: A hard fixed lump in the breastBloody nipple dischargeItch and rash on the nippleSkin changes on the breast

Cervical cancer

This is the fifth most common cancer in Singaporean women. Among the three major ethnic groups in Singapore, the Chinese have the highest incidence rate of 11.5 per 100,000 women per year. This is followed by the Malays and Indians at 7.4 and 6.1 per 100,000 women per year respectively. Screening is with the Pap smear test.

Signs and symptoms: Vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourseIrregular bleeding in between periods or after menopauseFoul-smelling vaginal discharge

Heart disease

This occurs when the coronary arteries, which carry blood and oxygen to the heart, become clogged and damage the heart. In many cases, it leads to heart attacks and sudden death

Signs and symptoms:Chest pain (angina)


This is a condition where the blood supply to a part of the brain is cut off and the brain cells in that part cannotfunction. Detection of stroke risk is with cardiovascular screening, which tests for blood pressure, and cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood.

Signs and symptoms: Sudden weakness or numbness, usually on one side of the bodySudden difficulty with walkingSudden severe giddiness, loss of balance and coordinationDifficulty in speaking or understandingBehaviour changes such as laughing or crying at an inappropriate time, feeling depressed or showing bad temper.

Information from the Singapore Heart Foundation, Singapore Cancer Society and Health Promotion Board

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