Tuesday, February 3

Free Ettusais Makeover & 3 piece samples?

Any Ettusais fans?

I've been following Holly Jean's blog for some time, and she's now the online brand ambassador for Ettusais. There's this tie-up between her and the cosmetics brand. Read more about it at: http://holly--jean.blogspot.com/2009/02/in-love-with-colours-get-your-free.html

* ps: I'm not a fan of Ettusais though - I love Chanel.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I went to read Holly Jean's blog for the ettusais 3 piece set. It seems that what she write is "Get your FREE ettusais Makeover and 3 piece Samples"

3 piece set is different from 3 piece samples. ettusais samples are very small samples.

mien said...

Hihi... oh i tink you are right! thanks! i thot it was the same. I'll correct the header... =)