Aesthetic Surgery
I just met someone who had done double eyelid surgery last year, and it was so naturally done! She said that it was not painful at all.So I was pondering out loud today if I should do it if I have the extra money... I mean, double eyelid is sooo easy to put on eyeshadow. (* taunt me if you want to, but double eye-lidders have no idea about how difficult it is to put on eyeshadow ok?)
And WM went... "omg.. u are the 1 in 5 girls who are considering cosmetic surgery!". But seriously, double eyelid surgery is so minor, I do not consider that it IS a cosmetic surgery... I do know of people who are thinking to do liposuction, but cannot afford it. Talk about being narcissistic. Doesn't everyone out there want to look good?!
If I have the money and have a higher threshold of pain, then why not, its worth considering. Haha! I'll think about it when the day comes. It's just a thought.
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