Saturday, August 23

Yet another day


#ifeelsohorrible #imahorrible wife 

On a good note, Nat is 20 months old and weighing 12.1kg after a bout of sickness. 

Saturday, May 10

Mother' Day

Mother's Day will never be the same again. It is not an event to be celebrated. Nor do I feel appreciated for being a mother. But I still wish every mother and everyone's mother a Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, March 19

17 months old

Natalie just turned 17 months. She can now say many words like open/again/read/eat etc besides addressing people. She can walk well and even run unsteadily. At 80cm 12 kg and 98 percentile mark, she's so huggable and chubby to hold. Early bloomer - she's showing signs of terrible two's (?!) 

Yesterday she managed to sing without prompting when it started pouring - rain rain go away... go away... go away...

I have to say, that was so cute! I love baby Natalie so much ^_^

Tuesday, January 14


I wonder what a the problem with me. Please help me reflect. Nothing I do can ever please. All I ask for is respect, a hug and a kiss goodnight daily. Am I asking for too much... Maybe I'm just pmsed, depressed and thinking too much. Wake up! It's 2014. I must improve on bring positive!

Wednesday, January 1

Happy new year!

Happy new year to all! I will do my best to make it a better year.

I make a mental note to keep learning. And shall try some baking and learning new recipes this year. So sick of eating out when most food are either too fatty, too much carbo, too salty or overpriced.

Have to improve our eating habits before Natalie grows up me follows our lousy diet!

Love my Family and friends. Grateful to everyone who comes into my life, whether good or bad, lessons are learnt and memories are created.

Welcome 2014!

* home baked honey chicken wings for dinner 

Saturday, December 28

I want to be happy, positive again!

Yes I keep smiling on bad days and forgiving people who take me for granted. No matter what lemons life throws me, life goes on. Everything I do, I consider others feelings but nobody does that to me. Maybe I'm wrong but it can't be all the time right? So sensitive now, I feel hurt even if it's just a rude reply that didn't mean it. I'm all but just human. I wish someone could help me get back to my happy, positive self again. 

Friday, December 27

Time flies

2013 is ending real soon and what a year it has been for me. I hope mummy is in a better place now and I miss you so. Hope 2014 will be a peaceful and prosperous year for me as I spend more time working. 

Natalie can walk a couple of steps now. She can identify some objects and say some simple words - except mama!

I've missed documenting her milestones, such regret though I witnessed them all. Can't remember when she said her first word, first step, first crawl and she's already 14 months old.

Merry Christmas to my family and friends. And a happy new year in advance!

Monday, October 28

Feeling lonely.

This blog is probably unread by now and suits me well. A place for me to rant. Feeling so unloved and misunderstood. Sometimes I wonder if Natalie was god given to me to keep me going/alive. I miss my mummy so much.. Nobody will ever love me like she did. I'm so envious of people with their mummies still around. After celebrating my MiL's bd, I feel totally devastated that my mummy is no longer around to celebrate her birthday anymore. Life goes on and I hope it gets better.